Posts on spirituality and the tradition of Advaita Vedanta.

Friday, November 20, 2009

No Effort

Awareness requires no effort. You are pure awareness, pure consciousness. All that can be said about this is that you exist, you are existence that is all. Existence requires no effort at all. Any perceived effort or struggle is just that, a perception. You are the field of awareness, the fact of existence that underlies all the fury of sound and color. Seeming effort or seeming no effort, you never made any effort!

For a while it may be so convincing that you get mixed up and attached, then awareness becomes a thinker, a doer, a sufferer. Even then you were never anything other than awareness, just like the cinema goer, though caught up in the plot, is never really affected by nor living in the film. Relax, you cannot be hurt, loosen your grip, life will occur as it does, within you, not to you.


  1. Truly, Charles, you are a truth speaker, and I am deeply grateful for your sharing. Thank you. Shanti, shanti, shanti...

  2. Well said. Thank you

  3. thank you Charles for your lovely clear expression of what is.

  4. Thanks for the replies everyone, much love, Charlie
