Posts on spirituality and the tradition of Advaita Vedanta.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Do you feel that you are alone? You are completely alone, anything observed to be another is just mind, in reality that object is yourself. Observe the mind to see if there is some compulsion or sense of obligation there. If there is compulsion it is because we see something in the mind as real. Do you feel compelled even to talk about Vedanta? this also is a bondage. I am observing this in myself, what need do I have of discussing Vedanta? haha, I am Brahman!! It is OK of course to discuss Vedanta, it is the compulsion that is the problem, it is the compulsion that is ignorance.

Love is free, free of obligation. Bhagavan said he does not want followers, he does not want anyone compelled to serve him, or love him. He wants free minds, without compulsion, to give him love freely, to devote themselves freely to his words and instructions because, without pressure or obligation, we have come to see them as Truth. Much love to you my friend, be free!

Posted via email from Charlie's Posterous


  1. Hello Charles

    Yes! Brahaman has no need at all, the very act "need" implies separation between the one who needs and the thing needed.
    "It is OK to discuss Vedanta" of course it is OK, as it is Life´s will to do so. All Life´s manifestation is life´s will, Brahaman will. Even the unconscious state is Life´s will, why not the Conscious state as well?
    Thanks for sharing



  2. speaking happening from direct experiencing..heard and touched here..thank you Charles.
