Charlie's Blog

Posts on spirituality and the tradition of Advaita Vedanta.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Don't See Others

Don't See Others

There is no other, all is Brahman, you your Self. Any other perceived is mind, which is false and illusory without any substance. There is no external object, all is One. Mind is also therefore Brahman, however it seems otherwise. This seeming is Maya. Maya is superimposed upon Brahman, but it no way touches it or has any effect over it. This is akin to the snake mistakenly seen in a rope coiled on the floor. The existence of Maya is illusory and, like the snake, when this is realised we see that it never had any reality at any point, it was always nothing other than Brahman, nothing other than a rope.

Maya is also known as Shakti or the Mother, the activity and appearance of which is the great mystery of the universe. The reason for Maya cannot be known by the mind just as the key outside a locked room cannot be held by the one locked inside. Guru and God are one and the same. It is through the grace of God that realisation comes and we are freed from the locked room. First however some banging on the door is necessary, this is equivalent to the sincere and dedicated following of Guru's instructions. In doing this, naturally and of necessity we cease to see and compare ourselves to others. Guru always tells you to look inside yourself, to analyse your mind. Don't see others, they are not there in reality. In reality there is only your mind, see your own mind, see how it is.

The very perception of how we are bound by the mind, is simultaneous with the act of freeing ourselves from that bondage. That is, on close observation of thoughts, we see that there is no real link between the thoughts and ourself and the bondage that seemed to be there, no longer does. This perception of our mind comes through the grace of Guru, in his presence we awaken, we see our mind in sharp contrast sitting before a man who has no mind.

So Maya, that is the illusory bondage between thoughts and the Self, cannot be understood by the mind, but it can be transcended. Self realisation is a reality, not a philosophy or intellectual exercise. All that can be said is that there is existence and that is One. This can be felt and realised. This realisation is freedom. The solution is inside you. To observe, judge and criticise the behaviour of others is to, consciously or unconsciously, seek the solution to your problem outside. It is to seek a solution by modifying some aspect of the outer world. The solution is only to be found in the realisation that all aspects and all states of mind, anything perceived in fact, is inherently false and in now way connected with you. This realisation is to be found inside. So, observe all the world, reject nothing, but do not see it as another. It is your own mind.

Posted via email from Charlie's Posterous

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Do you feel that you are alone? You are completely alone, anything observed to be another is just mind, in reality that object is yourself. Observe the mind to see if there is some compulsion or sense of obligation there. If there is compulsion it is because we see something in the mind as real. Do you feel compelled even to talk about Vedanta? this also is a bondage. I am observing this in myself, what need do I have of discussing Vedanta? haha, I am Brahman!! It is OK of course to discuss Vedanta, it is the compulsion that is the problem, it is the compulsion that is ignorance.

Love is free, free of obligation. Bhagavan said he does not want followers, he does not want anyone compelled to serve him, or love him. He wants free minds, without compulsion, to give him love freely, to devote themselves freely to his words and instructions because, without pressure or obligation, we have come to see them as Truth. Much love to you my friend, be free!

Posted via email from Charlie's Posterous

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Its all a ride, you are perfectly safe. You are the great lap in which
this little body and mind sit, like a child with his grandfather. Know
this and be happy, kind, loving. Make kindness your religion, your
fellow man is god. No need to confine your love for god in a temple.
Love god in the street, your wife, children, friends, beggars,
colleagues all are god.. As are you.
Attachment includes the note and its objects

Posted via email from Charlie's Posterous

Monday, November 23, 2009

More Love and Attachment

i feel like something gets dislodged in my sense of self when i'm emotionally caught up with someone...i don't know if it's my attachment coming out...?

what do you mean your sense of self?

i mean...normally, being on my own i don't feel very bothered by my attachments...but when i'm emotionally and intimately with someone else...i almost start doubting myself, i start getting attached

What you sense is not your self

it is the mind, it is natural for the mind to become attached to those things that are pleasurable and reject those which are not

it also breathes in for air, this is just as natural

observation is the key, if you can observe, the mind will not bind you up

whatever comes just relax, know that it cannot touch you

love is not grasping, nor crushing

observe observe

do you have time to practice meditation?



this is the best way to unstick yourself from the mind

and then it will all get easier

is there anything i should base the meditation off of?

no that is just more mind

looking for something to do


if the mind is so razzed up that you cannot sit still and watch it, then do some technique

otherwise just relax, chuck all the techniques, books and blablabla out the window

all of them point to just relaxing and throwing everyrthing away anyway

i enjoy sitting still...i will do this everyday


do enjoy it, smile and relax :):)

Posted via email from Charlie's Posterous

Love and Attachment

how do i love someone without attachment??

love and attachment are separate

if you observe closely you can see the difference

love is not me not me all you all you

attachment is all me all me not you not you

observe your thoughts and actions and see in which category they fall, then choose.

Posted via email from Charlie's Posterous